Freedom Celebration
Bring the family and join us for our freedom celebration at the River of Life Church.

Heart to Heart Women's Gathering
Ladies join us as we gather together for fellowship and the word. Breakfast will be served.

Life Restored Outreach
We will be serving the homeless at Life Restored Church. If anyone wants to help it will be from 9-11am at Life Restore Church 400 Arbor Pl. San Antonio, Tx 78207.

Prayer Night
For 10 days, different churches will be hosting prayer each night so join us as we host one night out of 10 Days of Citywide Prayer!

Back to School Event
Join us for our back to school event and food distribution! There will be free food, haircuts, worship, backpacks, a moon bounce, food distribution and a concert!

Vacation Bible School
Join us at the Highland Hills Clubhouse on July 10th -12th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm for vacation Bible school.

Heart to Heart
Join us to celebrate Mother’s day on Saturday May 18th. There will be good food and a special guest speaker. Let Ms. Bekki know if you wish to attend.